Diversity SHINES T-Shirt Design Contest

Calling all artists! It is time to get creative and show the community your skills!

Diversity SHINES is holding a T-shirt Design Contest aiming to engage the community in creating a unique t-shirt design that promotes sexual health and wellness. The winning design will be featured on official program merchandise.

Designs must feature the Diversity SHINES logo. You can download your preferred version from our Google Drive folder.

Artists must complete the Submission Form (found here) and then email the final design(s) to shines@diversitycollective.org. You can submit a maximum of two designs.

SUBMISSION DEADLINE: Friday, August 9, 2024

For a full list of contest rules, submission details, and terms and conditions, please download the T-Shirt Design Rules and Conditions pdf.

For any questions or concerns, please contact Edgar at shines@diversitycollective.org.